Our Pricing

A Cost Effective Workforce Strategy

Establishing an offshore team makes good sense for many businesses. It’s an intelligent, strategic outsourcing solution with real and considerable cost savings that will improve your bottom line. It is important to us that you get the best value available from outsourcing parts of your business.

Our pricing is transparent and straightforward and reflects our commitment to building long-term, trusted and sustainable relationships with our clients and offshore teams.

We provide you with real-time access to an integrated billing and finance platform detailing salary, productivity and performance information to ensure you feel in control and in the know at all times.

Staff Cost Salary Calculator

Select the desired role, level of seniority, and business location. The projected salary is based on current market research and does not include our service fee. If you have questions or want to talk to us, please fill out the form in the next section.

Business Location

Your Offshore Role

Skill Level

Average Monthly Salary Range


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