Having an Offshore Team in the Philippines

18 Sep 2018

Adapting an offshoring strategy is a major business decision that needs to be carefully considered. Most companies that look at offshoring see it primarily as a good cost-saving measure and taking advantage of these cost savings require proper implementation and time.

Many established providers know the challenges that come with an offshore strategy and how to properly service their clients. Through customized strategies and consistent support, businesses and offshore service providers work together towards mutual success.

HGS has seen first-hand how offshoring can transform businesses. Whether you’re in the retail, finance or even construction industry, there’s an offshoring strategy tailor-made just for you. It’s important, however, that businesses first understand what it means to have an offshore team in the Philippines.

Offshoring At A Glance

Let’s get this out of the way: offshoring and outsourcing have fundamentally different concepts. If your business is looking for more immediate, short-term solution without extra management, then offshoring may not be for you. While traditional outsourcing means engaging a provider to manage your team, offshoring is about working with and managing your own workforce in a full serviced workplace. With offshoring, businesses retain full control over the people who make up their team and their specific roles.

This means there is greater transparency in offshoring since you manage your team members directly. While outsourcing focuses on processes and getting them done, offshoring has a more people-oriented approach. Though implementation takes much longer than an outsourcing strategy would, offshoring becomes more affordable in the long-term.

An offshore team in the Philippines can now include roles like graphic designers, architects and accountants.

Having a more hands-on approach is what makes offshoring unique. Businesses have a much larger say in what goes on with their team instead of letting their provider do all the work. This also means training and developing their offshore team. When properly implemented, a team’s output is optimised, and they become valuable members of their business.

Your Offshore Team in the Philippines

So where can you find team members to fill these roles? We at HGS have always called the Philippines the best location for an offshore team. The country is host to a very deep talent pool full of potential team members with specialised skills. It’s also easy to communicate with a workforce in the Philippines thanks largely in part to their 95% English literacy rate. The BPO industry is a major contributor to the country’s GDP and is poised to become its biggest one within the next few years. The government has long recognized what offshoring – and the BPO Industry – has done for the Philippines and they have taken steps to cultivate it.

Many companies tout the talent and expertise an offshore team in the Philippines brings.

Perhaps the biggest reason companies choose to offshore to the Philippines is the people themselves. In a 2017 report by Tholons, the Philippines ranked one of the top digital nations when it came to talent, skill and quality. The report also called the Philippines the “undisputed leader” in customer service, citing a positive business climate, supportive government regulations, and its place as one of the world’s largest English-speaking nations.

Companies that found success with an offshore team in the Philippines cite their strong working relationship with Filipinos. Clients often call Filipinos hardworking, dedicated, engaging and very personable team members they are happy to have. Some would say this is due to uniquely Filipino cultural traits that other countries don’t have. For one, values of loyalty, discipline, and respect are part of the Filipino psyche, and they carry these with them to their personal and professional lives.

Offshoring Challenges and A Best Practice

No matter how good any business strategy is, they are not always perfect and can encounter some problems. Offshoring is certainly no exception to this and there are a few challenges that often arise. Because local teams work closely with a team outside their region, cultural miscommunication and challenges may occur. For instance, Canadians or Australians may approach particular situations in a way that Filipinos may not be used to. If companies ignore these cultural nuances or don’t try to find a middle ground, there are likely to be issues. To get around this, consistent interactions with your offshore team in the Philippines can give both sides better insight into each other’s work cultures. Doing this ensures smoother communication and issue resolutions with minimal or no incident.

You’ll hear it a lot from companies that have a successful offshoring strategy in place, but engagement is key. As part of your local team, your offshore team should be treated as such. Forward-thinking companies often check in with their teams to monitor their daily output, routines, and overall satisfaction. Being more familiar and engaged with your offshore team helps develop a stronger rapport and understanding of their greatest assets and areas for improvement. This close association with your offshore team is something you are unable to do with a traditional outsourced team.

The Long Term Effect

Finding success through offshoring is not something that happens overnight. It requires consistent engagement and development of your team as you establish their roles in the company. But working with the right provider can ensure that your offshoring experience is a smooth one.

It’s through this engagement that they become motivated, dedicated, and loyal to your company. By showing how everyone’s roles fit into the overall vision of your company, the more driven they become. This is particularly true when you work with a team based in the Philippines. By expanding your reach, your offshore team becomes an essential asset to your global success. The best part of it all? You can reach new levels of success locally and globally at a fraction of the cost.

HGS’s experience with the Philippines has made us one of the leading offshore service providers in the country. If you wish to begin your offshore journey with us, feel free to contact us today.