HGS started off its February by giving a little of itself. Our Makati offices were extra busy as our employees volunteered in a blood drive to benefit those who need it most. As February is often associated with hearts, having this special event was only fitting.
The blood drive was done in association with the Makati Medical Centre. HGS partnered with “Makati Med” not only for its proximity to the Makati branch but for its reputation as the best hospital in the country. During her first visit to Manila, CEO Angela Vidler lauded Makati Med as “incredible” with facilities comparable to that in Australia.
Quick Blood Drive Facts
Eligible donors went through a quick but thorough extraction process after a screening process from the Makati Med staff. Each volunteer needed only fill one bag of blood, or the equivalent of 450 ml. Generous donors managed to also fill up two bags if they wanted to. With a single bag was being enough to save up to four lives, more blood drive volunteers meant helping even more who needed it.

Donors were also made aware of their blood type for future reference.
For the volunteers, the blood drive also brought some benefits they were not aware of at first. Their bodies generated fresh new blood cells as a result of the extraction and they also lowered the risks of heart attack and cancer because of it. The Makati Med staff also informed donors they would be entitled to a free check-up because of their donation.
A Little Going A Long Way
Admittedly, a few people on the HGS staff were hesitant at the notion of participating in the blood drive. Some felt they wouldn’t pass the initial screening. Others thought the conditions to be a good donor might have been too much. But after learning about the benefits donating presented, many became eager to give as much as they could. Some even joked about donating on behalf of those who couldn’t give that day!
The blood drive was a unique break from a typical Wednesday at HGS. However, its effects were certainly long term and, as one volunteer put it, was something worth doing again.
Check out some moments from the HGS Blood Drive